It was a very hot day in Rockport yesterday and we sweltered as we stood at our easels under the hazy sun. Lisa discovered that she had left her paints at home in Eastport, so things got off to a rough start. Betty Lou gave her a palette of her own, though, and it must have inspired Lisa because she did a wonderful painting. Mine was not so wonderful, but I was not discouraged. I knew I would have trouble getting going.
Betty Lou's demonstration was very inspiring, just as I remembered them all to be, even though the painting did not come out. Her process is fascinating to watch and reminds all of us of what we should be doing, what we should be thinking, as we paint.
After the day of painting and the critique, we rode around Gloucester and then returned to Lorraine's to cook dinner. Lisa and I had bought the makings for a spaghetti dinner, buying the ingredients in the miserly way of the trip. We are both on very limited budgets and count our pennies at the doorway to every store to check the condition of our finances. We have trouble controlling our spending, resisting with difficulty the urge to empty our pockets into the cash registers of the nearest gift shop and worrying about the trip home at a later date. We blanch at the price of gas each time we stop, as if we had just climbed out of the fifties and are surprised to see that times have changed.
It's time to leave for the second day of painting now. We have very prudently found our way to the new site already on our ride last night and should have no trouble getting there. So far we have gotten lost an average of twice a day. This may or may not improve.
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