Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Big Snow

The morning paper, which I was shocked to find nestled in my mailbox, mentions Eastport again.  This photo is complete with the crumbs from the biscuit I was eating and a drop of strawberry jam.  It says we got 20 inches of snow, the most of any coastal community.  Because of the drifts from the high winds (also mentioned in the article), the snow is much deeper in most places, with almost clear spots in others.  I wasn't able to get out my front door, but the side door is almost clear.  The ground is relatively bare from there to the back of the house and the chicken coup.  Poor girls were out of food and I can't get anymore until my check comes tomorrow........even if I could get the car out of the driveway.  I made a batch of biscuits and crumbled them up, added a can of corn I had in the cupboard, and dumped the mix into their feeder.  They seemed quite happy, pecking away, as I left them.  Some snow had blown in under the door of their house, but it wasn't particularly cold in there.  The dogs refused to go out yesterday, mostly because I tried to get them to climb the snowbank in front of the door.  I refused to go out this morning, but having discovered the relative ease of navigating the side of the house, I snapped on their leashes and put them there.  I watched from the doorway.  They didn't stay very long, but long enough.  It is still snowing a little, but the man who shovels me out was here this morning, peering out of his furry hood, with a crew of five who made quick work of the walk and the driveway.  He'll be back.

The storm has been a relative non-event for me since we didn't lose power.

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