I got a Christmas wreath for my front door in honor of the season that approaches so quickly. It's quite pretty, though the picture doesn't do it justice. The man who lives next door to the house I lived in last was selling them by the roadside. His mother made the wreaths, and she was taught by her mother. Many people in this area do this in the winter to supplement other seasonal incomes. I'm anxiously awaiting delivery of the Christmas tree I ordered on Ebay so I can really decorate the house. For many years I lost interest in Christmas, but I have it back again since living here. It's the way people always wish Christmas was but rarely is. I've been listening to Christmas music to enhance the holiday atmosphere.
David will be coming home after all, since Thom is recovering from the loss of Shirley and David feels he can leave him. I am very happy about that, since my Christmas for the last several years has been spent with him. It seems like tradition now, and trying to do it without him would have been very difficult. Richard and Sydney are part of things now, too, and usually Elizabeth. But it all started with just David and me. There's something wonderful about caring enough to put on a big celebration for just two people, as we did the first few times. We both enjoy all the trappings of formality, the silver and linen, candles, special food and drink. It was fun to ad others to the mix, but it still belongs to us.