Thursday, November 21, 2013

Windy Day

Yesterday was one of the coldest days we have had so far.  As is always the case, the wind makes it seem many degrees colder than the temperature would have you believe.  I got my long winter coat out of the closet for the dogs' morning walk.   Rarely does the water at the bottom of the street have white caps, but the ocean was whirling in many directions and the wind roughed up the surface dramatically.  After I took the dogs home I went back to take a picture.  Of course it doesn't really do the scene justice, but having been there it serves as a reminder of how changeable the sea is, and how beautiful in so many ways.
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Unknown said...

Photo is lovely!!! I've not been to Eastport in over ten years now, but it's never left my mind. I so badly want to get back. I miss the ocean air and it doesn't get much better than Maine. Certainly much better than Florida was! Love your blog - thank you!!

Cleaning Peterborough said...

Nice blog:) good job!