Sunday, March 06, 2011

Two more....

It's strange to see this bottom image so's actually only about 1 1/2 inches high. I liked doing my Szondi faces so much that I wanted to do another series. It occurred to me that the obituary pictures in the paper look a lot like the faces I've just finished, so I decided to use those as subjects. I did three, thinking at first I would do them a little differently. I used gouache on top of the image to ad a different dimension, but it turned out I didn't like the look. I went back to my old method with the third one and trashed the other two. Today I did the picture of the ballerinas......the entire picture I cut out of the newspaper instead of just the one figure I did before. This is small, too, about 4 x 6 inches. When will this cease to amuse me?
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judith said...

I really like what you are doing, . I read the obits EVERY day and often thought what interesting subject matter some of these faces would make...Hapyy that you are having fun with what you are doing! Judy

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Cool! Author the best! Thank you!