Monday, December 20, 2021

Latest paintings

 It has certainly been a long time since I posted anything............I think lethargy has overtaken me over the months, turning to a couple of years, that I have been basically housebound waiting to have hip replacement surgery.  My days are boring, though not unpleasant exactly.  Nevertheless, the days are boring in terms of activity worth writing about. (Although when did I need activity to write?)  Anyway, I am stuck in my routines, which are very limited and boring,  Lately I've been trying to find different housing again.  I simply can not afford this house and need to move into some assisted living kind of place where you pay depending on your income.  I have applied to three different places, but these things move very slowly and I wait.

Thinking about moving inspired me for awhile to move back to Bangor, where I lived most of my life.  I have since changed my mind, although I let my application to Capehart, a low income community, remain.  I have also applied to three places here in Eastport.  The wheels of bureaucracy (sp?) turn very slowly and I have heard nothing one way or the other.  During the weeks I was planning to move to Bangor I began a series of paintings of my surroundings here in Eastport to remember my life here.  Probably I won't need reminding now, and have only to look out the window.

Anyway, I am thankfully happy enough in my isolation (due to my hip, my lack of a car, and the relatively small number of friends I have here).  I have always liked being alone, and I have my dog and cat for company.  They are much more agreeable than people anyway and I enjoy my solitary life while I wait for surgery (if only I had the money to pay for more heat).  Actually even that is no longer a problem because one of my long-time affluent friends has offered to pay for my heat for a few months, and another friend who recently died at the age of 96 left her car to me.  It's a wonderful car...she was quite wealthy (and a famous scientist) and the car is really wonderful.  I can drive despite my hip (walking is my problem and I have to use a walker or two canes), so I can now get to the grocery store and my various doctors without bothering others to take me.

So life goes on in a diminished kind of way and I am content.


P. J. Grath said...

Oh, Cherie, you have no idea how happy I am to see a post from you, especially one with new, beautiful paintings! It is like a Christmas present! Thank you! I'm glad you have heat and a car, as well as a dog and a cat. We are back in our ghost town in Arizona for the winter, and our daily routines are little to write about, so I understand that, too. Yesterday we drove to town (15 mils away), where I mailed bills and letters and one small package from the post office and got a bit of cash from the ATM. Our favorite coffee house is closed until January 2, and we had planned to try out the new bakery, but that was closed, two. Likewise the couple of thrift shops and the Friends of the Library bookstore. I didn't need groceries. So we drove back home again. Happy Christmas, dear!

P. J. Grath said...

I just went back and read your Christmas posts from 2005, Cherie. Someone I worked with many years ago posted on Facebook the other day that Christmas is all in the anticipation. He was thinking of his grandchildren's Christmas. I comment3ed that for us oldsters, most of it is in the memories. I'm finding that okay, though, and hope you are, too.